Mirësevini në Nexus

Organizata për Inovacion, Rini dhe Edukim! Ne jemi këtu për të fuqizuar të rinjtë në Kosovë përmes njohurive, trajnimeve dhe burimeve që nxisin vetëpërmirësimin, suksesin në biznes dhe kreativitetin. Bashkohuni me ne për të ndërtuar të ardhmen tuaj sot.

Rreth Nesh

Nexus është një organizatë jofitimprurëse që synon të ndërtojë një platformë për të rinjtë në Kosovë, duke ofruar edukim cilësor dhe frymëzim për inovacion. Me fokus te vetëpërmirësimi dhe zhvillimi i aftësive për biznes dhe teknologji, ne besojmë se çdo individ ka potencialin për të ndryshuar botën.

woman in black long sleeve shirt using macbook
woman in black long sleeve shirt using macbook
Colorful letters spelling the word 'Educated' are arranged on a bright yellow background. Each letter features a different pattern, such as stripes, polka dots, flowers, and stars.
Colorful letters spelling the word 'Educated' are arranged on a bright yellow background. Each letter features a different pattern, such as stripes, polka dots, flowers, and stars.
Two young people wearing orange shirts with 'YOUTH' printed on the back sit together on a sports court, viewed through a black netting. The court is blue, and one of them has a leg stretched out while they appear to be engaged in conversation or rest.
Two young people wearing orange shirts with 'YOUTH' printed on the back sit together on a sports court, viewed through a black netting. The court is blue, and one of them has a leg stretched out while they appear to be engaged in conversation or rest.

Pse Nexus?

Ne jemi të përkushtuar për të sjellë ndryshim pozitiv në komunitetin tonë. Me një fokus në edukimin cilësor, mbështetjen e të rinjve dhe promovimin e inovacionit, Nexus është partneri juaj për një të ardhme më të ndritur

Kurset Tona

Zhvilloni Aftësitë Tuaja me Kurset Tona

Stock Marketing, ETF
selective focus photography of graph
selective focus photography of graph
Social Media Marketing
two trucks on plant field
two trucks on plant field
white concrete pillar during daytime
white concrete pillar during daytime
black iphone 4 turned on screen
black iphone 4 turned on screen
a person pumping gas into a car at a gas station
a person pumping gas into a car at a gas station
red yellow and green trash bins
red yellow and green trash bins
EV and Hybrid battery reconditioning

Jeta është e shkurtër sa është edhe e gjatë, vazhdo të mësosh që të shohësh më të mirën e vetes tënde.

A maroon paper bag with a white rope handle features the quote 'youth has no age' printed in white lettering.
A maroon paper bag with a white rope handle features the quote 'youth has no age' printed in white lettering.
A typewriter with a sheet of paper displaying the words 'LIFELONG LEARNING' in bold letters. The typewriter appears vintage with a green cover, showcasing mechanical components around the paper.
A typewriter with a sheet of paper displaying the words 'LIFELONG LEARNING' in bold letters. The typewriter appears vintage with a green cover, showcasing mechanical components around the paper.
Several young people are sitting in a classroom, appearing focused and content. They are seated at a table with one person using a laptop. The background features posters and papers on a grey wall.
Several young people are sitting in a classroom, appearing focused and content. They are seated at a table with one person using a laptop. The background features posters and papers on a grey wall.
A group of young people wearing similar blue uniforms are standing together on a grassy field. They are displaying cheerful poses, with some raising their hands and others making peace signs. Each person is wearing a red lanyard with an identification card, and a few have backpacks.
A group of young people wearing similar blue uniforms are standing together on a grassy field. They are displaying cheerful poses, with some raising their hands and others making peace signs. Each person is wearing a red lanyard with an identification card, and a few have backpacks.
gray computer monitor


Lidhu me ne për mbështetje dhe pyetje rreth burimeve tona